Instagraming old pictures

January 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Instagram and all those assorted phone camera apps have made it far easier to quickly capture an image and share it, but they've also added an approach to editing that I've been exploring with some of my older pictures that weren't take with my phone.  It feels a little like cheating, it's not even Latergramming really, but it allows, for me at least, a little more freedom to radically adjust the various levels, colors, clarity and whatnot that is so easy on the phone and not so much in Photoshop.  So I can take a picture that I like:

play with it, saturate that puppy, sharpen things up, and change the crop, and get something pretty different:

Maybe it's just me, at this level of comfort and experience with editing, but I feel much more comfortable tweaking the heck out of picture on my phone than I do inside of Lightroom or Photoshop.  Maybe also it's the expectation of "serious" pictures that those imply for me, and the phone pictures are more "work with what you have" images.  Sometimes having restrictions help focus since you don't have the distraction of having tons of options.  With this bridge, I might have taken more time and more exposures, but I don't think it would have necessarily been any more satisfying:

Camera+ recipe?
? scene: Text
? effect: ?70s (65%)

I also have trouble cropping out pictures that I take with my big camera because I generally shoot with a certain view in mind, so the picture I get is mostly what I wanted, and again, the phone apps let me ignore that:


I'm not convinced that all that saturation and clarity is better, though the size of mobile devices makes it easier for a small, concise picture with lots of intensity to be seen, where the focus is on one particular aspect rather than the original composition:

By the way, these were all adjusted with Camera+, which I find easier and more flexible to use than Instagram, for editing at least.


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